Hi-jacked by Fear
Do you ever find yourself saying or behaving in a way that takes you right off track from who you believe you are and want to be? As if you got in your car one morning to go somewhere beautiful … Continue reading →
Do you ever find yourself saying or behaving in a way that takes you right off track from who you believe you are and want to be? As if you got in your car one morning to go somewhere beautiful … Continue reading →
“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing half assed.” (KC Davis) I quoted to my partner as we got back into the car and we laughed. All day, a day of blue skies and glorious sunshine, I had wanted … Continue reading →
Sometimes we believe that if we can make better decisions we will improve things and we forget that part of life is the muddle, the mess and the maybes. “We call this the mud season.” my friend Nancy said, when … Continue reading →
Do you have your dreams, or do your dreams have you? Do you have your feelings or do your feelings have you? Do you have your job or does your job have you? Hold it lightly, then you can put … Continue reading →
Click the picture for the full Guardian article! Oh Gwyneth! What were you thinking! Ha ha! Something tells me that some people’s “breakdowns” are different to mine and your’s. But the similarity between us and Gwyneth is that when we … Continue reading →
How can we re-enter the world post-lockdown in a way that is chosen, powerful and reflective of our growth in the last year? This is the question I have been inviting supervisees, clients and most of all my Nourish & … Continue reading →
It struck me today when I was in a meeting discussing work adjustments for colleagues with childcare responsibilities during lockdown, that maybe we all need ‘reasonable adjustments’ right now. It was an unusual perspective for me as a disabled person … Continue reading →
This article was originally published on Medium in January 2021: click here to view there. There is no doubt about it, the pandemic is different this year to last year, and our psychological responses are different this year to last … Continue reading →
CLICK ON THE PICTURE FOR MY NEW VIDEO: “The Paradoxical Theory of Change” ..change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not. Change does not take place through a coercive attempt … Continue reading →
What if Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is not a disorder? And what if winter 2020 is not simply the biggest challenge to mood management, but a great opportunity to address the impact of winter on your mood? Before I get … Continue reading →