
Tribute to our father — 4 Comments

  1. What a terrific tribute to both you and David. I love the photos and so well remember you both younger. He will be much missed but his work and your work will continue.

    • Thank you Suzie. Next weekend there is a memorial service. What would be more exciting to him is the memorial symposium beforehand (details here I’ve not bounced back since covid last month so my main aim is to attend and my secondary / bonus task will be to provide biscuits for the symposium. Easier I think than the funeral.

  2. Dear Miriam

    You have lost your father. I too have recently lost my father. Special memories remain.

    Your photographs are a lovely reminder of time you spent together. I remember time spent with your father on your wedding day. It was a special day filled with love and sunshine.

    Special memories you both shared are in your hearts. Love is everlasting.

    • Dear Lynne, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m grateful every day that you and so many of my dear friends met my dad and heard him speak. I’ve been having a challenging time after contracting covid on top of the post cancer fatigue, but I do hope we will finally meet up again and have a lovely lunch in your home town. xx

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