Going Public
When people start writing they think they’ve got to write something definitive … I think that is fatal. The mood to write in is, “This is quite an interesting story I’ve got to tell. I hope someone will be interested. Anyway it’s the best I can do for the present.” If one adopts that line one gets over it and does it.
Bowlby in Hunter 1991
I am due to return from an inspiring work trip to America in a couple of days and now hope to share and publish thoughts that might be helpful and interesting to others.
Sometimes we can worry that what we have to say is not interesting, or clever or useful. Our worry about what others think, about who might be listening, prevents us and blocks us from saying what we are inspired to say.
A friend I visited in New York told me this week that she writes the articles she would have liked to have been able to read, she writes to help and support other people in positions she has been in as a therapist.
By changing the focus from the ‘performer’ to the audience, we can lessen our ‘stage fright’ and begin an interaction, dialogue or discussion.
Today I begin my contribution to the discussion and I hope you find what you need to find in my published thoughts.
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