WORKING WITH ME – professionals

If you are a counsellor or therapist, student of therapy or work in a related area (health, social work) you can develop your work and knowledge base through supervision and training workshops with me.

I have been supervising therapists for 25 years and have run training workshops throughout the UK and abroad. I have tutored on supervision courses, taught psychotherapy to a Masters level and I am a Senior Accredited BACP Supervisor. I aim to help you develop your confidence, discovering what you already know and do well and looking at how you can apply that in the most effective way to your work. As I’ve been around for a long time and have trained in several therapeutic orientations, I enjoy looking at your work through a variety of lenses, exploring your reactions and thoughts to your own clients.

SUPERVISION Clinical Supervision` I provide supervision to counsellors, psychotherapists, medical staff and social workers.

Miriam Grace, PsychotherapistPlease contact me to discuss if we might be a good fit.

I offer individual supervision and have some new supervision groups opening in September please email me.

  • PSYCHOTHERAPY One – to – one psychotherapy sessions: From full time private practice I now divide my time between looking after myself, writing about the issues most important to me to contribute to and my clients. Therefore available slots for new clients open less frequently. If you want to begin therapy now, I will be assessing in August 2024. I am interested in all sorts of clients from diverse back grounds. My research area IS women in midlife transitions and explorations but my clients are not all mid-lifers. I aim to provide support to people who have experienced Minority Stress through race, sex, disability, gender or sexuality and if I can’t take you on as a client I hope some of my writing can support you or support another therapist to support you if your area of need is new to them.


Come along to one of my training workshops, or ask your workplace to invite me to offer training.

WORKSHOPS Workshops: The fifth International Body-Mind workshop with Imogen Ragone and Miriam Grace is being created at the moment. Watch this space.

TRAINING Bespoke Training: At the moment I am focussing on two areas for training: sexuality and relationships. I have several existing trainings I’ve already run that can be tapered to suit your requirements.



COURSES – Nourish & Nurture  This unique course runs from the celtic festival of Mabon to the spring festival of beltane, from when the clocks go back in the UK until they go forward in the spring. Originally designed to beat the winter blues and ‘coach yourself calm for christmas’, this course has grown over 6 years to become an annual support to women, many of whom return annually to celebrate, to hibernate and to learn to do less.



Correspondence Courses: Mid-Life Awakening Life After Love The Manual      


If you are at the EAGT Conference this September either online or in Madrid, do attend the presentation of my paper “Fifty Shades of Misogyny” which explores prejudice and bias in psychotherapeutic views of relationships, in particular lesbian and gay relationships.