Imagine getting a thought for the day each morning that you could reflect on and journal about. And imagine that the thoughts are themed and working towards a deeper self trust and personal development. Sounds good, right? Now imagine that you can comment and chat in a PRIVATE membership only facebook group with others on the same course, working towards similar aims. The icing on the cake would be to meet up weekly for an hour at a campfire and support each other and share our struggles and triumphs each week, wouldn’t it? Such a course would be ideal over the harder months of the year, and it would be good if you didn’t have to do any of it or could do all of it, and if you could join from anywhere in the world?

This is exactly what I would’ve wanted and what I’ve created for those who need it.

Running for its SIXTH year from the end of October until March, this popular group also has a range of affordable fees.

You will receive daily prompts (these might be poetry, meditation, a video from me or a journalling exercise). You will be invited to a weekly hour’s campfire by Zoom. Nothing is expected of you, everything in optional.

Your commitment is to YOURSELF and you commit to listen to yourself.

There’s a little video about the course here – just click on the picture.



Nourish & Nurture – 23 Week Course – Deposit for Early Bird Rates by October 8th 2024.

This course runs from when the clocks go back in the UK until they go forward. Participants build a supportive base at campfire and can discuss the daily reflections in a private face book group. Many of the participants return year after year, finding this annual support through winter and the commitment they make to listen to their needs to rest and care for themselves, to be enriching.

You can watch a video here about the course and you can sign up shortly. The fees are approximately £15 per week but we have a policy of respect and compassion so some participants pay more and some pay less.


How much does it cost? Standard fees can be viewed HERE
and I also use sliding scales and provide reduced fees in certain circumstances
Contact me about my courses, your circumstances, or one to one sessions HERE 
Book your place on this link HERE