Why have Supervision?
Clinical supervision is a requirement for all counsellors and psychotherapists and many people working within organisations are now choosing to have supervision too in order to enhance their effectiveness at work.
confidential – personal – professional – growthful
What is supervision?
Supervision is a professional arrangement to meet regularly with someone other than your line manager to review the process of the work you do.
This might include personal and professional self-maintenance, personal and professional development, aspects of training and new information. Professionals working as managers or organisational consultants find it useful to have a psychotherapeutic input on group dynamics.
Supervision with Miriam Grace
I have over 30 years experience as a counsellor and psychotherapist. I began supervising in 1993 and completed a diploma course in clinical supervision in 1995. I adheres to the BACP code of ethics for supervisors and is a Senior Accredited Supervisor with BACP.
I continue to train and supervise and support men, women and non binary people
as I have done for 34 years.
I have several years experience as an external supervisor with various organisations including counsellors in GP Practice, Social Services, HM Prisons, a local women’s refuge, Derby Alcohol Problems Advisory Service and Derby Rape Crisis.
I supervise counsellors in private practice and am very experienced in working with trainee counsellors on Person-Centred, Humanistic, Integrative and Gestalt training courses.
I also provide supervision to consultancy organisations who work with private and NHS groups.
Call or email for more information or to arrange a meeting.
Or find out about my New Supervision Group on monthly on Saturdays from September 2024.
Supervision supports you to manage your feeling responses to the your role, the people you help or support, your work environment, progression and fulfilment. It supports you to think more clearly in a reflective space rather than ‘on the front line’, and it can be useful for sharing ideas about approaches. Just as we might look at the feelings, thoughts and behaviours of the people we are helping, we have a place to apply that same compassionate intelligence to you. And as you reflect on your own experience and growth this is likely to improve what you offer to others.
feeling – thinking – behaving
Confidential – If you come to see me, what is said between us remains between us and is held confidentially. This includes your personal history or coping strategies. The only exceptions relate to immediate risk to life, or where I am unable to convince you that a you need to discuss or disclose something to your line manager that is unsafe, unethical, or against organisational policy.
Personal – This is about you and how you see the work, how you respond to the work and how you manage work when you are also dealing with your own life. I do not judge others for how they cope, I aim to understand and to help you make links.
Professional – You can learn about psychological patterns and processes, trauma responses, managing conflict, strategies for calming your anxiety or that of clients. You can bring your dilemmas, workload / time management issues, and achievements.
I’m not here to tell you what to do. Most interventions you make are not ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – they just have consequences. Different workers have different personalities, different approaches and qualities. Weighing up the potential outcomes or pitfalls of your work in a relaxed, creative and imaginative way when considering courses of action can be helpful.
Growthful – Our brains are wired to notice what is going wrong more than what is going well and supervision can help observe situations from a more balanced perspective, building your confidence and self esteem.
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you can choose your time and date, book directly and it will come onto my calendar